Control schemes
NTI (Norwegian Institute of Wood Technology) is involved in a number of control schemes in the timber industry.
The various control schemes have established a very constructive communication between research, manufacturer and consumer.
NTI (Norwegian Institute of Wood Technology) offers secretarial services for:
- Norwegian Strength Grading Inspection Scheme (Norsk Trelastkontroll)
- Norwegian Quality Control Scheme for Log Houses (Kvalitetskontrollen Norsk Laft)
- Norwegian Control Scheme for Preservative Treated Wood (Norsk Impregneringskontroll)
- Norwegian Glulam Control: Glued, end-jointed materials for load bearing constructions (Fingerskjøtkontrollen)
- Norwegian Control Scheme for Laminated Blanks (Norsk Emnekontroll)
- The Timber Industry’s Fire Control (Treindustriens Brannkontroll)
In addition, NTI (Norwegian Institute of Wood Technology) performs inspections according to:
- SINTEF Certification – Technical approval