
NTI (Norwegian Institute of Wood Technology) offers:

  • JAS - (Japanese Agricultural Standards) certification of sawn timber, glulam, structural glulam and Cross Laminated Timber (CLT)
  • CE - certification of wood-based building materials 
  • PEFC - Chain of Custody certification

Contact persons

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JAS - certification

As the only institute in Europe, NTI is approved as Registered Certification Organisation (RCO) for wood products (sawn timber, glulam, structural glulam and CLT) by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) in Japan.



CE - certification

Treteknisk is appointed by the National Office of Building Technology and Administration as Notified Body for inspection, testing, control and certification for CE-marking in the areas of structural timber and wood products as well as wood based panels.

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PEFC - certification

Treteknisk is by PEFC Norway appointed to performs PEFC Chain-of-custody-certification. Chain-of-custody-certification, documents that the raw material of the products originate from sustainably managed forests and is developed for companies that processes and sells forest based products.