CE marking of roof trusses NS-EN 14250

CE marking of trusses

CE- marking of trusses is based on the harmonised standard NS-EN 14250 “Product requirements for prefabricated structural members assembled with punched metal plate fasteners”.

Requirements for certification

NS-EN 14250 states that in order to CE mark trusses, conformity with system 2+ must be documented. This entails certification of the factory production control.

Before a certificate can be issued an initial inspection is performed, where the quality handbook and control routines (control of production equipment, timber, nail plates and finished trusses) are assessed. Based on this inspection, the certificate is issued.

Continuous surveillance is performed minimum once a year. The inspection includes evaluation of quality documentation, evaluation of production control, registration of deviations and measures taken at deviations. If a company does not correct the deviations in a satisfactory manner, the certificate may be revoked.

Treteknisk is a notified body.


Companies that are certified for CE marking shall mark the trusses in a way that identifies manufacturer and notified body. Documentation showing what stipulations are used in the calculations shall also be included in the delivery, as well as details for installation. The documentation shall be labelled in such a manner that makes it evident that it is included in the delivery.